What is CSAAA?
Since 1973, the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association has acted as a leader and voice for the over 4500 businesses that make up Canada’s hunting and sport shooting industry, as well as the companies that provide services for this industry. These services include legal, technical, media, banking, raw material, and insurance services.
Our organization maintains a close working relationship with many of the Canadian groups that represent hunters, shooters, and legal firearm owners. Most are aware of the groups that do an amazing job representing these legal firearm owners, CSAAA represents the businesses.
We are a not for profit, non-partisan organization made up of a board of hunters and sport shooters that work directly in the firearm and hunting industry elected by our business members. We maintain a full-time managing director that is also a registered lobbyist, along with a team of technical expertise to aid us in our initiatives.
How does CSAAA represent our industry on a political level?
We are very aware of the economic and social benefit this industry has, as these businesses employ over 48,000 people. We conducted a study in 2019 that opened everyone’s eyes to the fact that this industry contributed 5.9 billion dollars to Canada’s GDP in 2018. We request that the government focus on the root cause of crimes involving firearms and to crack down on firearm abuse (illegal activities). We invite the government to work with the CSAAA and the industry to better understand the lawful firearm community and businesses. We ensure industry representation at the Firearm Advisory Committee to express economic impact. Everyone must be aware of the impact a legal firearms ban, as well as some polices have on this industry. For example, at least 56% of business owners say that a handgun ban would be detrimental to their business.
By enlightening members of parliament on ongoing issues, real concerns that our members have and offering information about the healthy firearm culture in Canada, we can direct the lawmakers to create reasonable, workable, and enforceable policies. We maintain a regular presence at parliament, so that we can act as a strong voice for our industry’s business members and ensure that the people that make up this industry have a seat at the table when firearm policies are being discussed.
We are actively involved in all federal legislations that impact our member’s business and provide insight to help direct actions like legislations, policies, laws, shipping and much more. In the past, we have held “Annual Parliamentary Days at The Range” to educate and allow political leaders to experience the safety, pleasure and reality of shooting sports and firearm ownership.
Supporting the day to day of our businesses:
It’s understood that both big picture, and day to day business must be observed. CSAAA is currently working to rectify the ongoing shipping and receiving issues that our businesses (including the many businesses in remote areas) are experiencing. We proudly host Canada’s only annual, national hunting and firearm industry trade shows and we are amid planning the CSAAA National Trade Shows for 2022 that will be held in both Eastern and Western Canada. The CSAAA also offers education to the public on the importance and good nature of the hunting and firearm industry, and so much more!
What are some of our current projects?
Shipping has been difficult for the firearm industry for years, especially for our rural communities. CSAAA still prioritizes their initiative to rectify these challenges. We are in active discussion with Canada Post and Canpar. This is of course going to be a lengthy process but, we do hope have updates soon enough.
Bill C-71, that came into effect July of 2021 brought forth lifetime background checks (extending background checks for a firearms license to include an applicants entire life history), and the new ATT requirements (requiring an “Authorization to Transfer” for transport of prohibited and restricted firearms to and from; a gunsmith, gun show, peace officer, etc). This bill may present greater obstacles for businesses in the future if license verification and detailed record keeping come into effect. The Government has requested feedback from the CSAAA, and we are actively working to enlighten the Government on the severe challenges this will present our Canadian businesses with.
On a more positive note, the CSAAA is excited to continue aiding in the initiative to legitimize gunsmith training. We will, of course, offer more information on this as soon as we can. We are also very excited to be planning our Annual National Trade Shows for both Eastern and Western provinces. Keep your eyes peeled for more information!
This is the community and industry that Canada needs.
We hope to attain stability through self regulation while we promote and protect the rights of our industry. We advocate for the legal sales of firearms, ammunition, and hunting, sport shooting and archery equipment and support hunting and shooting as legitimate and socially beneficial activities as well as the business owners as meaningful contributors to the local and national economy.
Jennifer Gadbois
Managing Director and Registered Lobbyist
Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association