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Requirements for individuals and businesses to transfer a firearm barrel or handgun slide, and for individuals to import these parts, ammunition and cartridge magazines.


Members may contact us with any questions or concerns about this, CSAAA will be meeting with the federal firearm policy team to discuss these changes, and how they impact businesses further.

As per an update posted by the RCMP on July 4th, 2024:

Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) received Royal Assent on December 15, 2023. Information about Bill C-21 can be found on the Public Safety Canada website and the Parliament of Canada website.

Effective September 1, 2024, individuals will require a valid firearms licence to import firearm barrels and handgun slidesammunition, along with cartridge magazines.

Also effective September 1, 2024, firearm barrels and handgun slides may only be transferred to an individual within Canada who holds a valid firearms licence. This requirement will apply to both businesses and individuals.

The requirements for the import and transfer of parts apply to firearm barrels and handgun slides; they do not apply to other parts.

It is the business or individual’s responsibility to determine the most effective way to validate that the individual holds a valid firearms licence.

Businesses are not required to maintain records relating to the transfer of firearm barrels and handgun slides, and there is no requirement for businesses to provide any information to the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) about these transactions.

These licensing requirements are in addition to the licence requirement for the transfer of cartridge magazines to individuals that came into force when Bill C-21 received Royal Assent on December 15, 2023.

The Canadian Firearms Program will be sharing information with licence holders in the coming days.

Canada Gazette:

Firearms Act – Imports and Transfers of Firearm Parts, Magazines, and Ammunition:
Criminal Code – Definition of Firearm Part and integration into offences:

The RCMP web page has been updated to reflect these new requirements:

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