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Notice to All Businesses: Upcoming Regulatory Changes Effective September 1, 2024

Attention all businesses involved in the sale or importation of firearm barrels, handgun slides, ammunition, and cartridge magazines:

As per the update issued by the RCMP in July of 2024, please be advised of the following regulatory changes that will take effect on September 1, 2024:

– Businesses and individuals may only transfer firearm barrels and handgun slides to individuals within Canada who hold a valid firearms licence (PAL/RPAL).
– Individuals will be required to hold a valid firearms licence (PAL/RPAL) to import firearm barrels, handgun slides, ammunition, and cartridge magazines.
– These new requirements apply specifically to firearm barrels and handgun slides and do not extend to other firearm parts.

– It is the responsibility of the business or individual to ensure that the recipient holds a valid firearms licence before completing any transfer.
– Businesses are not required to maintain records of these transactions, nor is there a requirement to report transfers of firearm barrels and handgun slides to the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP).
– These regulations are in addition to the licence requirement for the transfer of cartridge magazines to individuals, which came into effect when Bill C-21 received Royal Assent on December 15, 2023.

For detailed information on these changes, please refer to the RCMP and Canada Gazette links provided below:

Firearms Act – Imports and Transfers of Firearm Parts, Magazines, and Ammunition:
Criminal Code – Definition of Firearm Part and Integration into Offences:                   
RCMP: Requirements for Individuals and Businesses to Transfer a Firearm Barrel or Handgun Slide:

Members may contact us with any questions or concerns regarding these changes. CSAAA executives will be meeting with the federal firearm policy team to ask for further clarification on these changes (such as what exactly is their definition of a barrel for these regulations).

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