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The firearms industry and the shooting community have seen a marked increase in instances of discrimination in freight, transportation and trade. From exorbitant fees and excessive or impossible paperwork to outright refusal to handle firearms or ammunition, it’s getting harder to conduct lawful business or travel with firearms.

If you think you or your company has been targeted by a supplier or other agency because your activities are related to firearms, please take a couple minutes to complete this survey (link to the survey is the “Fill Out Form” button below).

This survey is being coordinated by Liberty’s Keystone LLC for the World Forum on Shooting Activities (WFSA). WFSA is an international association of the leading shooting, hunting, firearms rights, and industry associations. The survey goal is to identify and quantify specific instances of discrimination so that ways can be found to tackle these problems.

No personal data will be collected. If you wish to provide additional information, you can voluntarily submit personal contact information in the optional survey questions 11-14. Only submit your contact information if you would like to be contacted by the survey facilitator to share additional details you believe will help lead to a clearer understanding of the problems you face, which gives WFSA a better chance to solve the firearms community’s collective problems. Personal information will not be shared, nor will personal information be used for any other purpose. All personal information will be permanently deleted at the conclusion of the project.

Specifics about the obstacles and challenges you face are essential to the success of the project. Please provide details. If you’ve had multiple instances of discrimination from more than one supplier please click the “complete another response” link that will appear after you submit the survey.

Thank you again for your time and effort. Working together, we can build a better future for shooting activities and the firearms community.


Thursday, June 29 2023
Jenn Gadbois, Managing Director

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