[ut_header align=”center” title_linebreak_mobile=”on” lead_linebreak_mobile=”on” font_size=”desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” line_height=”desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” title_letter_spacing=”desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” title=”Since 1973, the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) has provided leadership and a strong voice on behalf of the hunting and sport shooting industry in Canada.” title_color=”#ffffff”][/ut_header]
[ut_header align=”center” title_linebreak_mobile=”on” lead_linebreak_mobile=”on” font_size=”font-size-unit=px&desktop_large=25&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” line_height=”desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” title_letter_spacing=”desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global” title=”Since 1973, the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) has provided leadership and a strong voice on behalf of the hunting and sport shooting industry in Canada.” title_color=”#ffffff”][/ut_header]
[ut_service_column headline=”PROMOTE” text_color=”#d1d1cf” headline_color=”#e8e8e6″ headline_margin_bottom=”20px” icon=”fa fa-bullhorn”]We promote our members’ commitment to the legal sales of firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and hunting and sport shooting accessories.[/ut_service_column]
[ut_service_column headline=”ENGAGE” text_color=”#d1d1cf” headline_color=”#e8e8e6″ headline_margin_bottom=”20px” icon=”fa fa-handshake-o”]CSAAA staff and our professional government relations firm maintain a regular presence at Parliament in Ottawa to enlighten Members of Parliament of our ongoing issues and concerns. We also host the country’s only B2B industry trade show every year in both eastern and western Canada, showcasing our members’ businesses.[/ut_service_column]
[ut_service_column headline=”SUPPORT” text_color=”#d1d1cf” headline_color=”#e8e8e6″ headline_margin_bottom=”20px” icon=”fa fa-check”]We support and promote hunting and sport shooting as legitimate and socially beneficial sporting activities and our business owners as meaningful contributors to their local and our national economies.[/ut_service_column]
[ut_btn font_weight=”” button_text=”JOIN NOW” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.csaaa.org%2Fshop-membership%2F|title:JOIN%20NOW||”]
[ut_btn font_weight=”” button_text=”OUR HISTORY & MORE” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.csaaa.org%2Fabout%2F|title:About%20CSAAA||”]
[ut_header style=”global” align=”center” title_linebreak_mobile=”on” lead_linebreak_mobile=”on” lead_width=”85″ font_size=”30″ line_height=”30″ title=”Membership in the CSAAA has many benefits.” title_color=”#000000″ lead_accent_color=”#ff3f00″ lead_color=”#000000″ lead_accent_color_bg=”#757575″ title_accent_color=”#ff3f00″]Get plugged into the Firearms Industry in Canada. Networking opportunities abound, and attendance at our Annual East and West Trade Shows is exclusive to Members.

We promote our members’ commitment to the legal sales of firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and hunting and shooting sports accessories. We support and promote hunting and shooting sports as legitimate and socially beneficial sporting activities and our business owners as meaningful contributors to their local and our national economies.

Joining the CSAAA allows you to become part of our national network. You will influence on government actions, gain free access to our events, and access to our network of businesses and information resources. Your CSAAA membership includes a bonus membership with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) and all of its small business services and tools through our group partnership.

A unified industry is a strong industry. We need to ensure our collective voice is as loud as possible![/ut_header]

[ut_btn font_weight=”” button_text=”JOIN NOW” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.csaaa.org%2Fshop-membership%2F|title:JOIN%20NOW||”]
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